Live your story for GOD’s glory.

Stories of Faith: A life of influence event


Meet the Author

Angela has spent 22+ years coaching women to further develop their leadership skills, manage their time wisely, and make the most of their God given gifts. She is passionate about dreaming big, setting goals, and helping women see that their story can be used in a powerful way to encourage others. Her prayer is that her books equip, excite, and encourage women to pursue with joy, the lives they have been entrusted with. 

Angela recently spoke to moms on Mother’s Day at her home church in Texas

stepping out in faith: Women’s retreat

Love Your Story Co. held our first women’s retreat in February in a beautiful home on the banks of the Guadalupe River.  We had morning devotionals, walked through the ‘Map Your Story Workbook’, and heard from Linda Smith. Linda  shared some of her own story and encouraged us to read Psalm 27 when we are anxious and gaze (not glance) at the face of Jesus. To seek Him in times of trouble. We met new friends, encouraged one another, meditated on God’s word, ate entirely too much, laughed a lot and took time to rest our busy and distracted hearts. It was good to be with other believers!  We sang and worshiped together too.  Everyone left with some resources and tools to help us in our daily walk with the Lord.  Here are a few pictures from the weekend!